Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Improving Children's Health Through Nature

Improving Children's Health Through Nature  
NEEF's Children and Nature Initiative educates health professionals on health benefits for children who participate in outdoor activities and connect with nature. In partnership with the National Audubon Society and the US Fish and Wildlife Service, NEEF encourages pediatric health care professionals to "prescribe" nature to their patients in order to create and encourage opportunities for outdoor play in the natural environment. The initiative was presented at the Children and Nature Network's 2009 Grassroots Gathering in September. The initiative and related materials were also exhibited at the CDC's NationalPlaybook Environmental Public Health Conference in Atlanta in October. The initiative was featured in Nickelodeon's Playbook for World Wide Day of Play. Our article titled "Building on Partnerships: Reconnecting Kids with Nature for Health Benefits" highlights our Children and Nature Initiative. It has been accepted for publication in Health Promotion Practice and the abstract is currently available on PubMed.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


This past summer Sindy Hempstead joined her family at Sandy Island.  Thanks to Sindy we now have a comprehensive Sandy Island Plant Inventory that captures the exciting variety of Sandy Island's natural environment.

Sindy spent the week creating a fascinating list of Sandy's trees, bushes, shrubs, ferns, moss, seedlings and saplings in five different areas:  East Shore North of the Lodge, the Micro-burst area, North Shore, Central Forest, and Southeast Corner/South Shore.
No one has looked so closely or so scientifically at our island since 1998 when students from the University of New Hampshire Department of Natural Resources did an ecology audit of Sandy
While the Latin names are like tongue twisters, many of the English names are familiar friends such as Eastern Hemlock, Paper Birch, Red Maple and American Beech.

Many other names sound intriguingly strange-- Hop-sedge, Pipewort, Tall Rattlesnake-Root, Meadowsweet, Jewelweed, Daisy-fleabane, Boneset, Joe-pye-weed and many more.  The list notes if a plant was native to Sandy and how rare or abundant each was.  I’ve already spent several happy hours googling to find images so I can seek out them out next summer.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sindy Hempstead's Plant Inventory, Sandy Island 8/22/09


N: native,  I: introduced 
Abundance: 1=rare…4=very common    
Area 1, East Shore, N of lodge    N/I    Abun    Notes
Aster divaricatus    White Wood-aster    N    4    blooming
Onoclea sensibilis    Sensitive Fern    N    4   
Pinus strobus    Eastern White Pine    N    4   
Fagus grandifolia    American Beech    N    3   
Maianthemum canadense    Canada Mayflower    N    3   
Solidago bicolor    Silverrod, White Goldenrod    N    3    blooming
Solidago juncea    Early Goldenrod    N    3    blooming
Thelypteris palustris    Marsh Fern    N    3   
Tsuga canadensis    Eastern Hemlock    N    3   
Acer pensylvanicum    Striped Maple    N    2   
Acer rubrum    Red Maple    N    2   
Aster ericoides (sp?)    Many-flowered Aster    N    2   
Berberis thunbergii    Japanese Barberry    I    2    INVASIVE
Betula populifolia    Gray Birch    N    2   
Carex lupulina    Hop-sedge    N    2    in marsh
Eriocaulon aquaticum    Pipewort    N    2    emergent in lake, ca 3ft depth
Eupatorium dubium    Joe-pye-weed    N    2    among rocks along shore
Galium ap.    Bedstraw    N    2    in marsh
Gaylussacia baccata    Black Huckleberry    N    2   
Hamamelis virginiana    Witch-hazel    N    2   
Pinus rigida    Pitch Pine    N    2   
Pteridium aquilinum    Bracken    N    2   
Quercus rubra    Red Oak    N    2   
Solidago canadensis    Canada Goldenrod    N    2   
Trientalis borealis    Starflower    N    2   
Vaccinium angustifolium    Common Lowbush Blueberry    N    2   
Vaccinium pallidum    Lowbush Blueberry    N    2   
Equisetum  sp    Horsetail    N    1    vegetative phase
Scirpus cyperinus    Woolly Bulrush    N    1    in marsh
Quercus alba    White Oak    N    1 

Area 2, Micro-burst area: saplings, shrubs, herbaceous plants
Betula populifolia    Gray Birch    N    3   
Dryopteris carthusiana    Spinulose Wood-fern    N    3    blooming
Fagus grandifolia    American Beech    N    3   
Pinus strobus    Eastern White Pine    N    3    blooming
Acer rubrum    Red Maple    N    2   
Betula papyrifera    Paper Birch    N    2   
Euthamia graminifolia    Grass-leaved Goldenrod    N    2   
Fraxinus americana (sp?)    White Ash    N    2   
Hamamelis virginiana    Witch-hazel    N    2   
Mitchella repens    Partridge-berry    N    2   
Populus tremuloides    Quaking Aspen    N    2   
Quercus alba    White Oak    N    2    can be invasive
Rhus glabra  (sp?)    Smooth Sumac    N    2   
Salix bebbiana    Beaked Willow    N    2   
Spiraea alba    Meadowsweet    N    2   
Thelypteris palustris    Marsh Fern    N    2   
Tsuga canadensis    Eastern Hemlock    N    2   
Veronica officianalis    Common Speedwell    I    2   
Epilobium coloratum    Eastern Willow-herb    N    1   
Lobelia inflata    Indian-tobacco    N    1   
Prunus serotina (sp?)    Wild Black Cherry    N    1   
Rubus phoenicolasius    Wineberry    I    1   
Scirpus cyperinus    Woolly Bulrush    N    1  

Area 3, North Shore        

Alnus serrulata    Smooth Alder    N    3   
Aster divaricatus    White Wood-aster    N    3   
Fagus grandifolia    American Beech    N    3   
Gaylussacia baccata    Black Huckleberry    N    3   
Maianthemum canadense    Canada Mayflower    N    3   
Onoclea sensibilis    Sensitive Fern    N    3   
Pinus strobus    Eastern White Pine    N    3   
Thelypteris palustris    Marsh Fern    N    3   
Tsuga canadensis    Eastern Hemlock    N    3   
Vaccinium corymbosum    Highbush Blueberry    N    3    near North Dock
Viola sp    Violet    N    3   
Acer pensylvanicum    Striped Maple    N    2   
Acer rubrum    Red Maple    N    2   
Athyrium filix-femina (sp?)    Lady Fern    N    2   
Betula lenta  (sp?)    Sweet Birch, Black Birch    N    2   
Equisetum  sp    Horsetail    N    2    vegetative phase
Gaultheria procumbens    Wintergreen,Teaberry    N    2   
Hamamelis virginiana    Witch-hazel    N    2   
Lobelia inflata    Indian-tobacco    N    2   
Lycopus uniflorus     Common Water-horehound    N    2   
Mentha arvensis    Wild Mint    I    2    near North Dock
Parthenocissus quinquefolia    Virginia Creeper    N    2    near North Dock
Prenanthes trifoliolata    Gall-of-the-earth, Tall Rattlesnake-root    N    2    blooming
Quercus rubra    Red Oak    N    2    (seedlings) near North Dock
Solidago bicolor    Silverrod, White Goldenrod    N    2   
Sphagnum sp.    Sphagnum Moss    N    2   
Spiraea alba    Meadowsweet    N    2    near North Dock
Thalictrum pubescens    Tall Meadow-rue    N    2   
Vaccinium pallidum    Lowbush Blueberry    N    2   
Abies sp.    Fir    N    1    sapling
Berberis thunbergii    Japanese Barberry    I    1   
Erigeron strigosus    Daisy-fleabane    N    1    near North Dock
Gaultheria procumbens    Wintergreen,Teaberry    N    1   
Impatiens capensis    Jewelweed    N    1    near North Dock
Mitchella repens    Partridge-berry    N    1   
Scutellaria galericulata    Common Skullcap    N    1   

Area 4, Central Forest:  large, tall trees, sparse understory of mostly tree seedlings and saplings
Pinus strobus    Eastern White Pine    N    3   
Tsuga canadensis    Eastern Hemlock    N    3   
Acer pensylvanicum    Striped Maple    N    2    seedlings/saplings
Acer saccharum    Sugar Maple    N    2   
Betula populifolia    Gray Birch    N    2   
Dryopteris carthusiana    Spinulose Wood-fern    N    2   
Fagus grandifolia    American Beech    N    2   
Betula papyrifera    Paper Birch    N    1   
Fraxinus sp.    Ash    N    1   
Monotropa hypopithys    Pinesap    N    1   
Monotropa uniflora    Indian Pipe    N    1  

Area 5, Southeast Corner and South Shore    

Gaylussacia baccata    Black Huckleberry    N    4   
Maianthemum canadense    Canada Mayflower    N    3   
Pinus strobus    Eastern White Pine    N    3   
Quercus rubra    Red Oak    N    3   
Acer pensylvanicum    Striped Maple    N    2   
Acer saccharum    Sugar Maple    N    2   
Berberis thunbergii    Japanese Barberry    I    2    INVASIVE
Betula papyrifera    Paper Birch    N    2   
Fagus grandifolia    American Beech    N    2   
Hamamelis virginiana    Witch-hazel    N    2   
Solidago bicolor    Silverrod, White Goldenrod    N    2   
Eupatorium perfoliatum    Boneset    N    1   
Populus tremuloides    Quaking Aspen    N    1    saplings
Pteridium aquilinum    Bracken    N    1